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208 search results for: Testergebnis: Motor- und Kaltreiniger von Caramba


High-performance Injector Solvent

…injector, allowing the active ingredient to penetrate faster and deeper into the rust structure. Special additives ensure that the Caramba High-Performance Injector Special Solvent infiltrates rust crystals and moisture and…


Car polish

…car wash customers who want to get more out of their paintwork. Caramba machine polishing adds key quality aspects to the car wash that go beyond preservation: Cleaning the paintwork…


High-Performance Adhesive Lubricant

Application: Caramba High-Performance Adhesive Lubricant is ideal for lubricating wire ropes, gears, linkages, pulleys, joints, guides, hinges, tie rod ends, chain drives and power transmitting pins. Shake can well before…


Cold Shock Rust Remover

Spray Caramba Shock Rust Remover onto rusted parts. During the dissolving process, make sure that Caramba Shock Rust Remover is rinsed off immediately after the first thread.


Research & Development

…information. We are therefore happy to supply these directly to you on request. Product development according to your requirements Caramba offers you formulations that are tailored to your requirements and…